Monday, 22 September 2014

The Scammers In Dropshipland Don’t Want You To Read Any Review Posted By A Victim

It’s the same story with all scammers everywhere – they put their money where you are likely to stroll. The Dropshipland owners know that review posts attract new retailers who are interested in getting into this lucrative market that’s growing at a rapid pace. There are tens of thousands of reviews that have pointed out in great detail how this fake dropshipper has been duping people and getting away with it only because the victims have been caught unawares. The people running this scam don’t want you to read such reviews and so they have invested in creating fake reviews that tell you just the opposite of what their victims say – they exhort you to try the site just once. That’s all they need to entrap you.
Fake posts are easy to detect as they lack substance

The moment you make the payment of £79.95 which is what they want you to sign up with, you step into a booby trap that can set you back by as much as £400 even if you realize your mistake and want out. A victim of Dropshipland who writes a review explaining his bitter experience will not just parrot the same lines posted by other victims but also provide a genuine account of how he has been duped. His account will be insightful and carry the depth required to convince a reader that it sounds true.

New search engine updates requiring quality in content is a blessing

The scammers at Dropshipland have hired a back office team of digital wreckers to indiscriminately publish content favouring them so that the genuine reviews get swamped by the sheer numbers of the fake posts. Fortunately, the new search engine updates that are aimed at regulating and streamlining the content that is posted, is making it difficult for these scammers to proliferate the web as easily as before. Don’t be too sure about their disappearance from the internet though; they are lurking in the shadows and will be at your neck if you aren’t careful.

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