Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Doomsday Awaits Your Business If You Plan To Use is not a web business specialist as they claim to be but an online scam specialist. They claim to have thousands of members who work from home with them but strangely they don’t bother to provide the names and addresses of even a few of these thousands. Well, they cannot because there aren’t any.

Dropshipland is a scam site that specializes in duping people with their bogus business plans and tall claims. ‘You can start in five minutes from now and you will be making profits by the end of the day’ is one of their big claims. This sort of posturing has certainly helped them lure inexperienced and new entrepreneurs but their hollow claims stands fully exposed now.

The Negative Reviews Speak Volumes about Their Reputation

There are tons of negative reviews about dropshipland on the internet that you wonder how they have been able to pull of their scam game for so long. They take your money and promise you all the tools necessary to set up your business. Sadly, what arrives is a whole lot of junk stuff. They simply gobble up your money by selling you absolute duds. The worst part is they don’t respond to your complaints. Your phone will be put on hold the moment they realize that it’s an uncomfortable call. Mails are never answered obviously because they have none.

Independent trade reviews show that there are hundreds of victims who have lost tens of thousands of pounds collectively to these scammers in unrecovered fees. Refunds are unheard of here because they just know how to take your money. They don’t know how to give it back when they have to. The portal can easily qualify as one of the biggest scams on the internet considering the number of negative comments posted on the internet by their scam victims.

The plan is cleverly designed to look good to you. There is clearly a criminal mind at work here which belongs to one Stephen Gibson; as per reviews, he is the brain behind dropshipland. He is the most notorious name in online scams in the UK and operates many other similar websites that operates on the same principle of luring innocent retailers with their bogus plans and then dumping them after looting their money.

More Fake Websites to Cheat more innocents

Some of the fake websites owned by Gibson are equally infamous as dropshipland for their dubious acts include UKdropshipgroup, and among others. In a very cunning and crafty move, the scammers have floated their own forum and a few blog sites too. These sites carry recommendations and fake positive reviews designed to entice retailers looking for such services. It is a cruel way of cheating people and it proves that these cheats will go to any level to grab money from you.

If you are a new retailer looking for genuine wholesale and dropship services, make sure you sign up with a reliable and established trade directory. The best ones have a verified database of wholesale product sources. Avoid scam companies such as dropshipland. They trap you into paying them with their bogus plans and then do the disappearing act.