Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Dropshipland — Fraudulent Methods to Attract Members

The skeletons of scams keep tumbling out of cupboards of every other day. The site, belonging to the infamous Stephen Gibson of 69, Flixton Road, Manchester, has claimed many victims among the buyer community. This site, one of the many disreputable sites owned by Mr. Gibson, uses a mix of old and new strategies to con buyers. People are lured into signing up and paying high registration fee, just to get a peek at the promised dropshipping bounty. What they find instead, is an unending chain of scam with no end in sight.

If you are a buyer wondering about the credentials of this site, the following points should help make things clear. You will know exactly where it stands, and how dangerous such sites are to small businesses.

Tall Promises

At some point in our lives, we all fall for fake promises. What dropshipland does is, it weaves an intricate network of lies and deceitful claims, so that the buyer never knows that he or she is being conned. They tell you about the advantages of dropshipping, and claim that you can start making money straightaway once you sign up. After paying the fees, you realize that the site is nowhere as good as it claimed to be. You would be lucky if you can come out of the experience with the loss of just a few pounds.

Dropshipping has many advantages, but that does not mean that the path to entrepreneurship is easy. You need to work hard, and there is no way you can start earning money within a few hours of setting up a website. Being a business owner is not that easy. If it were, small businesses would not be failing at the astonishing rate of 90% today.

No Supply Guarantees

If your customer is expecting a product to be delivered without fail, how do you tell them that the promised product will never be arriving? This is a dilemma faced by countless dropshipland members who have been cheated. They trusted the site and undertook to sell products to customers only to find that the site’s inventory is hardly ever updated; this is why backordering is a common problem.

Buyers who have been scammed on dropshipland believe that the “out of stock” excuse is a way to make buyers pay more to access these products. No matter how much money you sink into the site, you cannot ever hope to find the right products. The online list of products is highly exaggerated, which is why you never seem to find the products they promised before you signed up.

Zero Tech Support

If you have problems with your website, or want to ask for a refund, the cheats at dropshipland customer care will never respond. Buyers have complained in their reviews that getting even the most routine questions answered could take weeks. When it comes to things that the site admin finds inconvenient, including pointed questions or request for assistance, the customer care will merely shut you out.

Buyers, who fall into the dropshipland trap, spend a lot of time in freeing themselves from it. If you want your business to steer clear of a scam, don’t trust this retailer trap.